MINDI | Online Card Game
About Mindi / Game Rules

Mindi is a fun trick taking card game hailing from India, where it is quite popular. It is a mind blowing Indian card game. Card games are very popular everywhere. People enjoy them as they just kill boredom.
It is also known as MindiKot, Mendhi Coat, Mindi Multiplayer, Dehla Pakad (means "Collect The Tens") !
How to play Mindi card game online free? / Mindi Rules
Trump suit is designated for the hand, the highest card of the trump suit played to the trick wins the trick. If no trump card has been played to the trick, the highest card of the suit led wins the trick. The winner of each trick leads the first card to the next trick. If one partnership manages to capture three or four of the Tens, they win the hand. If the partnership manages to take all 4 Tens, this is called Mendicot.